By filling out the form below, you will officially be joining the Red Nose Crew!

We will not only keep you in the loop of upcoming events and exciting news, but will be in contact soon to make your acquaintance. Whether you’re an organization looking to partner with us for an event, or an individual just looking to have an impact in our City of Good Neighbors, we want to meet you!

You’re Gonna Need

A Red Nose.

Don’t worry, we’ll provide you with one if you don’t have one of your own on hand. It may sound crazy, but some of us have them laying around.

An exceptionally bright yellow volunteer t-shirt.

We’re going to give you one of these as well. Gotta look bright, cheery and official!


noun: cheerfulness

  1. The quality or state of being noticeably happy and optimistic.

An overabundance of joy & happiness.

So much so that you can’t handle it all yourself and feel compelled to spread it and share it with others.

Love For Your COmmunity.

We love the community that we serve and want nothing more than to uplift it in fun, joyful and exciting ways.

A Willingness to Smile.

This is different than cheerfulness, because this is a choice. Your smile, joy, happiness and laughter are all infectious qualities to be shared.